Although I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physics from Sacramento State, I’ve always had a keen interest in the spoken word, discovering all the different ways I can use and manipulate my voice, as well as how to give a performance that draws people into a story without them realizing it. My life’s travels have given me the opportunity to become friends with people from all walks of life around globe, and in doing so I have developed a passion for communicating with energy, spirit, and a relaxed ease that creates trust and real relationships. Having done voice over training with GVAA, The Voiceover Network, Kristin Paiva, Dave Fennoy, Steven Reisberg, and vocal training with Raquela Burt I’m eager to lend my voice to your projects. I’m Ready, are you?


Tell me a bit about your project.
If you include a snippet of your script,
I'll reply with a custom-made audio sample.